Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Talking about body image and anorexia in the fashion industry is such an enraging, unfun topic, and anyone who lives in the real world knows that the runway doesn't exactly reflect a "normal" or even "healthy" body type, but after hearing my ten-year-old student say that she should watch her calorie intake I was absolutely flabbergasted. She should be stuffing her face with sweets and other delicious processed foods like all the other children. Maybe I should introduce her to the teachings of Ron Swanson:

 I'm all for eating healthy, quality, food- but everything in moderation. You've got to give your metabolism SOMETHING to do.
These ladies below look so serene and at ease. I hate saying those were "better" or "simpler" times, but surely none of these women were starving themselves to fit into barbie clothes.

    "Up yours, skinny bitches!"

On a related note about "simpler and better times", I've been getting ads sent to my cell phone. My cell phone! and I know my old Nokia doesn't have a 'junk mail' NOTHING sacred anymore?

-Lucy Michelle


  1. You will probably like this (in case you haven't seen it):

  2. It's funny, because when my boyfriend and I first saw Parks we agreed that he has an animal face!
